Lessons in Leisure: Making Everyday Life Extraordinary

Ever felt like you just need a break, but life keeps throwing curveballs? Yeah, me too!

We talk about the significance of self-care and how necessary it is to maintain mental health, especially for us women. In today’s episode of The Imperfect Prophet podcast, we talk about how easy it is to put everyone needs ahead of our own.  It's all too easy to forget that we're only human and need downtime too.

Whether it's savoring a tiny piece of dark chocolate or a perfect cup of coffee, those little indulgences can make all the difference. I share how even a moment of peace during my daughter's nap time with a piece of chocolate saved my sanity.

Lastly, we share thoughts on being kind to ourselves. This isn't about grand gestures or expensive spa days. I'm talking about everyday acts of kindness towards yourself. Your well-being sets the tone for everything else.

So, tune in, and let's start this journey together on living a wonder-full bucket list life, one small pleasure at a time!


10:24 More sugar you eat, the more you want.

13:56 High-end dining: numerous courses, beverage pairings, leisurely.

16:46 Be full of wonder, happiness, and dancing.

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